Way to go hot rod. Or, should I say wing commandeer…
I thought you had the quarter mile angle pretty well nailed. I never imagined that you’d take off. Go vertical and ballistic way past one mile high and angels 10. I have never seen anyone go to such heights laying out a flight plan. Truly stratospheric. My tower says that you are no 1 on the runway. Take it from an ACE pilot from way back, going on a mystery flight has never been so tempting and I can’t ignore such wonderful flying. I’d love to join you in the platinum but I can’t fly direct. Ill be needing a few layovers along the way. AIRCORE Benjamin W.
Hi Lily
My name is Jeremy and it’s a pleasure to meet you! I am going on a trip and I would love to make a booking with your airline. Could you please let me know if there are any available flights leaving on this coming Monday between 3 and 5pm? I am not fussed about the seats, windows or isles are fine with me.
PS: My travel agent is Escorts and Babes
Hi Hostess Lily.
Your reputation as the number 1 airline in Geelong makes me feel I simply must catch a flight with LL Airways. My friends always purchase return tickets so I am quite impressed as they usually like to trial airways for comparative purposes. They love planes that happily spread their wings which apparently your airline does so I am quite excited to claim a seat. Perhaps we could visit some unchartered waters for me, and deviate from my normal flight plan? Your pre-flight entertainment is quite spectacular, hard to believe your plane was designed so long ago with such stunning lines. Could we arrange a time this coming Friday depending upon when the airport opens? I really need a good landing and know you can help…