Flight Protocols

Boarding Pass Check

My screening policy applies to all clients. There are no exceptions. While I understand that there are numerous reasons why a client may not feel comfortable supplying personal information, please understand that I place my emotional and physical safety in your hands by allowing you into my personal space. It’s irrelevent that you’re married, famous or Joe Blow, everyone screens and I have a vested interest in keeping your information safe to protect my professional reputation. I am happy to sign an NDA if necessary. Please do not pre-pay flights. My screening is my insurance policy to protect myself and ensure that if any ground-rules are broken, can be held accountable to the full extent of the law. It is also a brilliant filtering system.

Here is a really great read on this. I truly encourage you to flick over and read it. Before you do, close your eyes, and literally, put yourself in my situation and walk in my shoes. Just for a few moments. Why You MUST Verify and Why You Have Nothing To Worry About.

Ticket to Ride:

Deposits are a requirement for all

bookings. They are non-refundable unless it is a most unusally extenuating circumstance. Should you be unable to make your appointment, I do understand that “life happens” and am completely willing to re-schedule to another time and day that suits you better. The minute you know that you cannot make our agreed time, please text me as soon as is convenient.
My deposit requirement works in tandem with my screening requirements to ensure that you value my time, safety and comfort. The options I have provided are both discreet and convenient: PayID, Beem It and Osko are accepted. These deposits are instantaneous. All you require is my phone number, 0413 967 225. Easy as that.

The remainder of your investment for our time together can be paid:
• In cash upon arrival – Please hand it to me personally and give me a moment to confirm it is correct. Mistakes happen and if you are accidentally short, I will politely prompt you. Please note: I do not keep change.
• Via PayId, Beem It or Osko upon arrival. Many clients pay in full beforehand, however I do not expect this, lovely if you do in that it is refreshing to feel trusted. Who wouldn’t appreciate that, but you are under no obligation of course, to do this.
I do not ever tolerate rude, aggressive, demanding, dictatorial, unreasonable and/or demeaning interaction and/or communication. Well, not unless you have booked t   


Flight Time Is Non-Extendable:

Please note. In the event that you run late, your time starts from our designated start time. I will not go over that time, so please don’t expect me too, request me too, or get upset when I don’t. My time is incredibly precious and in short supply. I will also be very respectful of yours.
I am super nice. Therefore I don’t like to make you feel rushed or uncomfortable. I pledge a great, money back service, therefore I do not rush or clock watch. But when our time is up, time is up.

Pre-Flight Freshen-Up:

Please. Be FRESHLY showered. Smell good. Or, I will exit the room, r

oll in garlic, mud, jalepenos and maybe some mustard for good measure and come back in. This does not mean you put aftershave on your penis. Or anywhere in that area. Ewhhh. Please ask for a shower when making your playdate if you know you will need one. I will factor in 5 minutes extra no problems at all.

Flight Change Procedures:

A non-refundable deposit. The exact percentage required is at my discretion. If we are meeting for the first time generally it will be 40% of,,,,Further, if you have met me previously I still require a small deposit.
If you cancel due to “life” and are re-scheduling, I would prefer that you re-book within 28 days. You do not forfeit your deposit in this instance. Unless you are a repeat offender. If your communication has been great I offer flexibility with this as I also understand you may not live close by or your work scenario might not allow for that. I’m always reasonable, as life occasionally happens to me too! I demonstate understanding and care when things happen beyond your control.

Missed Connections:

No shows are unacceptable. Please communicate with me otherwise I will feel awful for blacklisting you and turning you into a reddit meme.

In the very rare circumstance that I am unable to make our appointment due to illness or unexpected career constraints, I will do my best to reschedule for a time that is convenient for you or hold on to your deposit or full payment to use when you or I are next in town.
You are not entitled to a refund of your deposit or any part of the full fee if I must cancel before or during the booking due to inappropriate and ungentlemanly conduct on your part which makes me feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any way. Clearly this also voids your money back guarantee that I offer genuinely congenial gentlemen. I do not abuse this policy.

I only invoke it if I feel that seeing you would put me at risk of sexual assault, stalking & harassment, or any other danger. Or, you have crossed boundaries, been rude, gotten me upset so that there is no desire, because YOU killed it, to pleasure you. The law of averages dictates I cannot get along with everyone. I feel I do a damned good job. But I have zero tolerance to belittlement, arrogance, condensation. I have far too much self-respect to put up with that absolute rubbish behaviour and attitude.

Claiming Your Baggage:

In the case that a refund is granted as per the conditions above, there is currently one option. I can send the deposit via post to the address shown on the verification licence. If this option doesn’t work for you, you cannot receive your refund. I will get to the post office as soon as is physically possible for me to do so for expediancy of your refund. I am currently trying to work out an unresolved issue with Beem It so this can be a future option again.

Phew……now we got through that, hopefully your still keen to be my wingman……




LL Airways | Lily Levine Geelong Escort