Why Is Food Important?
Food is important pre-sex. You want to increase the chances of having sex. Don’t you? Geelong escort Lily hands out some free advice on what NOT to consume. For both parties’ sake!
You want to ensure your performance is on par. More importantly, save yourself a little embarrassment so you might be invited back for an encore.
Here are a few foods that you definitely need to AVOID before getting hot n heavy:
Asparagus Ruins Good Sex
Don’t do it. Don’t eat asparagus before having sex. Its digestion leads to the formation of methanethiol and S-methyl thioesters. These two sulphurous compounds that find their way into your urine in as little as 15 minutes.
Alcohol Is the worst for Good Sex
Alcohol often leads to weak or weaker erections. It often stymies orgasm, especially in men. I suspect that a good percentage of alleged cases of erectile dysfunction are just “whiskey dick.
Of course, alcohol may help with premature ejaculation. But not being able to cum at all is a frustrating possibility.
Cruciferous vegetables puts your lover off good sex
Avoid the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.). Also certain particularly gassy fruits like bananas or raisins (not that the latter are standard dinner fare).
Garlic is not conduicivie to good sex!
Everybody knows it makes your breath stink. Yes it can usually be remedied by sucking on eclipse mints, but garlic doesn’t just stop there. It permeates your whole body. Then emanates from your sweat, pores, and Lord knows what else.
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If you can’t resist eating garlic pre-sex, or find that you ingested some inadvertently, do this. Try countering it with an apple or lettuce. Either might help eliminate it from both your breath and your sweat.
There you have it, just some short food tips to avoid when you know you are going to “get some” (good sex).
Hope that helps some of you!
Thanks for the tips on food Lily. Good to know what to avoid prior to my next visit.